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Caregiver License Mgmt

Better Caregiver Support, Better Patient Outcomes

Automate License Management

Automate caregiver license management and stay 100% compliant to government regulations.


This Accelerator will allow your team to focus on providing care while it manages the license renewals, reminders, secure license uploads, escalations, and outreach to scheduling when a caregiver fails to renew a license.

It includes a license management app, automated outreach, a secure method for license upload, license review process and an optional caregiver community.

If licenses are managed in an existing system and API can be built to take advantage of this automation.

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Automated Outreach

As a license or certification expiration approaches, the caregiver will receive reminder email or text* messages.

  1. Personalize the outreach templates

  2. Define the schedule of outreach

  3. Enable escalations to caregiver support, scheduling or any other person as needed.

*Texting outreach requires an texting solution. If your organization already has one it will be utilized. Alternatively Touchpoint's Hum Texting solution is available for use.

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Internal Review

Submitted licenses are queued up for review by your license management resources.

Click into the submitted license or certification to validate the type, expiration date and uploaded image or file. Approve or reject the license with automated follow up for each option.

Approved submissions update the caregiver's license status.

Rejected submissions trigger a customized escalation that generally includes outreach to the caregiver requesting re-submission, caregiver supervisor and the scheduling team.

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Caregiver License Community

An optional Caregiver Community is available. This allows caregivers to log in to view their licenses, view expiration dates, etc. The community can be expanded to provide caregiver access or visibility to additional functionality.

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