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Plan and prepare your vision

Strategize for your transformation future with the best.


Our advisory experts are leaders in guiding large-scale projects from day one with focused analysis, design, and discovery sessions. We take the time to understand your pain points and goals and lay out a blueprint to achieve them.


Center of Excellence (CoE) Offering

A Center of Excellence (COE) acts as a central governing framework for your Salesforce program. With Agile methodology and continuous delivery, we are disrupting the traditional operational model of large organizations.

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Innovate With Touchpoint Strategy

Step One: Executive Visioning

Define the vision and value proposition. Address pain points and challenges and define measurements for success with functional experts.

Deliverables: Project charter, mission statement

Step Two: End User Journey

Identify current state and future state business capabilities through the lens of multiple end user personas.

Deliverables: Target process improvements

Step Three: Technology Assessment

Conduct an assessment of the current state and compare with future state needs to identify gaps and critical requirements for improvement.

Deliverables: Future state architecture

Step Four: Program Roadmap

Modernize the CRM and enable change with a roadmap, defined business case, and clear KPIs.

Deliverables: Roadmap and delivery plan

Modernize With Touchpoint Strategy

Step One: Program Validation

Confirm your program’s expectations with stakeholders to secure alignment on growth objectives.

Deliverables: Stakeholder interviews

Step Two: End User Adoption

Evaluate how end users are leveraging the existing program and analyze experience trends.

Deliverables: Capability workshops

Step Three: Technology Assessment

Perform a health check of the current Salesforce program and identify potential areas for added improvement in data, security, configuration, and architecture.

Deliverables: Health check, technical system walkthrough

Step Four: Delivery

Step Four: Delivery PlanRecommendations for optimizing your existing Salesforce program and achieving next-level results.

Deliverables: Delivery plan

Start strategizing with Touchpoint.

Speak with one of our certified Salesforce experts today

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